Easy to change the operating system iOS 8.4 to iOS 9 through these Tweak

There may be many fans satisfied with IOS 9 but due to the operating system iOS 9 not yet officially released, and it is not yet able to jailbreak so hard fans in the assembly decided to iOS 9. Because iOS 9 it powered features many users iOS unexpected at all, so there are fans, many are happy with the operating system to a new one, but for fans who use the operating system iOS 8.3 and 8.4, which Jailbreak ready can also modify the function and Theme its into iOS 9 also via Tweak that Cambodia will work introduces fans, for fans who want to modify iOS 8.3 and iOS 8.4 to 9, follow the following pattern:

Please download wallpapers iOS 9 through this link and open it with Safari, save it and set it as wallpapers once

Then please Add source http://repo.biteyourapple.net icon tool having already installed, just drag the icon Passbook and Rename (changing the name) it's Wallet once
Install Bytafont 2 Font called San Francisco 8 from Cydia iOS For more information about Bytafont 2 Click here
Install Tweak Roundedswitcher and 3D switcher Source http: // cydia.ianburn.co
Please find the following Tweak already installed:
Tweak Cornered
Tweak ReachApp
Tweak Videopane
Tweak LastApp
Tweak SearchSettings
Tweak Power saver Mode Source http://elijahandandrew.com/repo
Tweak ShowCase
Tweak SwipeSelection
Tweak NotNine
Tweak Emoji83 +
Tweak Edit Alarm
Tweak ConvoPics
Tweak RelevApps
Tweak CameraTweak3
Tweak Record 'n' Torch
Better so please watch the video below

Among these Tweak Tweak some not yet available to download for free so you can try to find it first, if it is put into free download, please install it.
