Cambodia submitted a request to borrow $ 300 million from China to make a rice warehouse

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia's government has sent requests to borrow money already $ 300 million to develop a warehouse construction project more than 10 places in rice .

Rice warehouses in the provinces can afford stockpiles of 1.2 million tons.

This proposal has been held by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia, and then sent to the Chinese government for approval, which is expected to process The project will be able to start from mid 2015 onwards. According Mey Kalyan, a senior adviser of the Supreme National Economic Council and leadership development projects warehouses The state's rice.

Kalyan told the Post yesterday that the parties are awaiting consideration from the side China in relation to this proposal before reaching an agreement between the state and the state.

He said: 'rice warehouses operate successfully unless the private participation. Dont when negotiating an agreement, and we will discuss the details with the private sector to participate taxi Action plan to make state-run warehouses success.

He said that rice warehouse This is a state project, but there will be a transfer of management to private companies so that means Rice mill owners or wheat stocks to pay rental service for storing rice in warehouses.

He claimed: 'We will do this warehouse where stocks of rice quality. We have a goal to strengthen the confidence lenders so that you can send rice rice collateral to obtain bank loans.

Cambodia's rice sector has developed remarkably in recent years, but the same time, the industry at risk many problems to be solved. Shortage in warehouse stocks of rice in the large-scale rotation and lack of capital to buy and sell grain harvest The main problem that professionals in this sector.

Hun Lak Vice Chairman Rice Federation said that a critical sector are necessary Construction of state warehouses to curb the flow of grain during harvest season, especially fragrant rice.

He said: 'If the government has plans to build a warehouse to store to rent for sale or pawn rice unless we all need to understand whether some kind of rice and market quality rice to any of us right now. If we do not know it perfectly clear we're going to have problems.

She Chanty economic experts said the independent development just warehousing solution among many other solutions that the government should continue to improve many challenges Rice sector, experiencing only.

He said that generally the private sector to processing capacity and management in rice production chain are limited compared with neighboring countries, so the government should give priority to grain sent through setting appropriate nursing care.

He said: 'If the state offered a fair price for rice to send the project will help contribute Rice sector one level. Only if the preservation in the state's watchdog private sector it can not escape without possibility.

Because Cambodia does not have the state's rice stockpile rice bank, an investment by private companies set up last the end of August, with a warehouse in Battambang. After launch to buy rice stocks than three months bank paddy rice 2 thousand tons and stocks 7 thousand tons of rice so far.
